Control Yourself

No posto for very long! My blog has few..FEW readers, so Its okay πŸ™‚

School has been awesome! Its helped me forget so much silly other stuff going on. I have cool friends, maybe not as cool as 1c1-ers, but people I feel very comfortable with and can relate to, which is a pretty important thing to me. I never really released my crazy side last year, this year its coming out again! πŸ˜€

World of Food today, I really must! post on this. Partnered with carmen, I actually thought she was a really efficient person that could backpack me to the finish. It was a total disaster. Yes, me and cooking do not get along 😦 I know for people that know how to cook, and I mean know how to cook as in can cook full meals and not instant noodles/pasta (me) actually love cooking. I find it SO BLOODY STRESSFUL! One cup of milk, 2/3 cups of flour, 250g sugar,one tablespoon of butter etcetc just totally makes me lose my head.In 1c1 I had SiHui and god Im so thankful. She basically cut all the meat/veggies and I…just prepared the ingredients I think =/ Even the friggin agar agar thingy I practically sweated though the whole night stressing. ABOUT MAKING AGAR AGAR. God Im such an idiot.

Anyway, see Im going off course. We were making this rick butter cake as the first part of lamingtons!yum!, and we had to beat this huge chunk o’ butter and sugar together. With a bloody electric beater thingy. So my stupid butter was too hard! And long story short, Me and Carmen, chunks of butter flying EVERYWHERE, about 10 bowls around our workplace, butter on shoes, sink, cracked eggshells strewn all over the place. We ended up just starting to add the milk when everyone else was done. Then a huge mound of dishes to wash. Just thinking about it makes me feel stupid! Oh and I jammed my pinky in a drawer!sigh… fail!

On another rotten side, I don’t know how to type this all out, but Im going to try.

/ok Im not. Sounds absolutely retarded and nonsensical. I feel so trapped(if thats what you can call it) on this blog. I can’t really blog about whatever I want!Well, I can but you know… I can’t!

If anyone reads my blog, Im definitely coming back in july.

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New Message : 1

Have not been updating cause of I got capped for 5 😦 Then on Friday, which was my day of unlimited download, I had no time cause me and my bro were trying to download a shit load of things. Twas such a exciting day. No really , it was! Ithink we used abouut 6gig on that ONE day, absolutely amazing.

Happy Valentines day, everyone. I didn’t do anything very valentiney though, I played my team tennis comp for 2 hours today!Me , Caitlin and Annie πŸ™‚ Was very happy with how I played, considering I hadn’t played comp in 3 months, I won 2/3 of my games, including my singles match.

School has been very.. happening! No, Im really very happy with my first 2 weeks of school πŸ™‚ I feel like Im finally truly appreciating my move to Oz, last year was a waste, but maybe thats what I needed to appreciate this year(so far) Even though everyone here is so competitve, I actually honestly feel so relaxed. I feel motivated but @ the same time I could care less about test scores. Its the weirdest feeling. TAFE here I come!! πŸ˜€

Im talking to JIMIN now!! Haven’t talked to her for AGES &AGES, she still makes me laugh so much πŸ˜€ She brings out the complaining side in me, whenever I talk to herΒ  I feel like bitching bout someone or something. In a good way though! A healthy way!!hahahah

Aww, I miss my friends. Chingy if you’re reading this, I haven’t seen you online for MONTHS!

I have been thinking about this for a while.Β  Can a person that you’ve talked to for a long time but never seen/met be actually considered a friend? I say yes, but I can see why a lot of people would say no.

I cannot concentrate on blogging anymore, I am laughing so much at my convo. with jm.

Post again tomorrow! Im going shoppen in da ceety!

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I am so very


You know how when you’ve been looking forward to something for ages but when you finally get it its just not what you expected/wanted ? Yesssssss. That. In a different context.

/I miss you, reeeeeeeeeeeally.

Back to French-ing!

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Hello again πŸ™‚ Yes I am updating MUCH more regularly now, much more interesting things to blog about. So im 15 now!! Okay I shouldnt have added the exclaimation marks, cause I dont really feel any different. Except maybe regret that im getting older and I haven’t fulfilled much of my potential?? Yeah. Like I pretty much quit everything I started, and I know that If I had kept going, I would have achieved alot more in life. I mean im still doing drums and tennis !! Hopefully I won’t quit anytime soon-ish. My birthday was..normal. Nothing exciting, didn’t feel like I was suddenly this older girl,or more mature or anything. Just ate pizza and watched sytyd aus. But at night, I did feel this sudden urgent need to go out there and do something and be someone. Probably another weird urge of mine. Sometimes, I just feel so boredddd with my life. But now that school has started I actually feel alot better, apart from the waking up early I actually feel happy to be at school and doing something, theres people as smart or smarter than me, and I feel like there’s a point in studying,sometimes.

Anyway, back to my birthday, briefly. The weird thing is the first person to wish me happy birthday was this primary school band friend who I wasn’t even that close to, hadn’t talked to him in more than 1 and a half years, didn’t even know he knew when my birthday was, and he just suddenly wished me happy birthday!lol! I felt kinda touched, that he actually remembered me even when we don’t keep in touch at all, and im not even close to him. And My classmates sang me happy birthday, lol awkward. Oh and, today um when I got home from school and turned on my computer I recieved like 7 or 8 offline messages , and it was too much for my stupid tablet to handle so it froze and crashed-.- Anyway I didn’t get to read them at all. If anyone who actually reads this sent me some offline msg, im so sorry I didnt get to read it. If it was a birthday msg , thank youΒ  πŸ™‚

So I finally get on to Facebook after literally a year of absence, I get 34 friend requests and omg! I got a f/r from this primary school friend who I was really close to and in p3 she moved to india?? or something and I never heard of her again!whoo! Anyway, facebook depresses me, I swear it does. I look at other peoples info thingys and everyone’s so … facebooky!! And it just makes me feel so bad that Its practically my fault that I’ve fallen out of touch with some people that I really wanted to stay close to, but It just ended up being totally screwed up. I don’t even know how to explain myself. 😦 Sometimes on msn I see people I really want to talk to, but Im too scared of saying hi and not knowing what to talk about. Yeeeah. Oh man. Alright enough of this , im 15! not supposed to be mopping around. Back to facebook, I see im tagged in about 38 photos and UGH why are they ALL UNGLAM photos. Seriously. In all of them I have some kind of crack-up face or expression. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate facebook! I should just close my account, everytime I go on I feel stupid, but I just can’t bear to! I ‘ll probably ending it leaving to rot, then when I become famous or sth, I’ll update everything and I’ll have heaps of glam photos and a billion friends. um yeah.

A quick post about school, its been pretty good so far, Made a bunch of friends, funnily enough,Β  none of them are viets. Except one. or two. The point is , the viet girls pretty much sit at the back of class and talk among thereselves.Okay I really shouldn’t discriminate. Cause Im in this class for 4 years, so Im bound to have some viet friends in the end!! Anyway, I thought I should say, there’s this girl who seriously reminds me of ANDRO. oh myyyyyyyyyyyy she looks exactly like andro from behind, and even a lil in front, and her personality is exactly like andros. Like..a leeetle on the weird side.Β  And kind of..loud? Okay this is stupid cause im remembering the sec 1 andro when everyone else is thinking of the sec 3 andro :/And!! Theres this other girl which reminds me of tsy so much! her hair is so curly! and even her face a little. And she’s kinda one of my good friends. But her personality is.. well, the other end of Sy’s! Hahaha. She Filipino (?) and she reads historical fiction!! Me and my friend were likeΒ  :O:O:O:O But she’s so nice its hard to laugh at her in a mean way. Oh and we were supposed to write this letter to our english teacher about our background, school life blah blah. And she let me and kuma read her letter , and in one paragraph she wrote something like ”When I stepped into the school, I could feel the warmth seeping out of me, and I could almost feel the dead souls of dead academics ” LOLLLLLLΒ  we didn’t know whether to think she was just really deep or really depressed.But she’s such a nice person though, and soooo smart. Anyway this was meant to be a ”short update” as I have maaaath homework to be working on.



/edit I just saw my post. O-m-g who could bother to read that much, I certainly wouldn’t read that much bs!! haha enjoy


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Major League…..

So, today. I did 3 units of maths. I was supposed to do 7. But you know, I had a good excuse. So you think you can dance and Australian Open mens final. And of course I have to watch both. πŸ™‚ So, I guess I could do it tomorrow….

So anyway, while I was doing my homework, I noticed my handwriting was all over the place. As in, you know how when you haven’t written for ages, you forget how you used to write?? I don’t know if that makes sense. My handwriting just looked so unfamiliar to me :S I’ll get back into my style soon though. I just looove copying and writing stuff out, I think I realized that only last year. Maybe it was also maybe I was so bad at the practical stuff I did in science, I couldnt even light a flame -.- ( Actually the flame wouldnt light!! )And I kept knocking things over.Yeeeeeeah…

As I type Im actually looking up all the train times and bus times whatnot,yeah, you actually have to do that in Australia cause the transport system is so shit. And I get extremely paranoid about transport, if the bus is one minute late I’ll start getting nervous already. Australia does make you stress, in a different way πŸ™‚ Speaking of transport system, cause of the recent hot weather here, on Friday night Connex(thre train operator), cancelled 750 out of 2000 trains on that day. Yup, they cancelled 750 trains. And my mum was stuck at the city and she had to take random buses and trams. She got back 3 hours later than usual -.- Would that EVER happen in singapore?? I don’t think so. At best of all, the goverment and Connex are blaming each other for the cancellations. Yeah, what a joke. The trains are soooooooooo old fashioned here, gets me so pissed off.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. School starts at 8.30 and ends at 3.15. Thats just not acceptable!!! 😦 Im too used to waking up at 7.40-8.00, then walking 20 minutes to school. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😑

Ohyeah, Its quite random but if anyone knows where the emoticons (??) are on lj and how to access them, please tell me. Im pretty sure im just dumb , but I just cannot find them, and Im sure I used to be able to. :/ /edit OMG I AM THE STUPDEST PERSON EVERRRRRR . *bangs head on wall repeatedly *

QWERTY!!!!! I yem vary nervas faw skOOl.

πŸ™‚ Goodnight.

OH, andeven though I already wished you , I thought I would add on my blog, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SUET YI ❀. You’re one of my very treasured friends and also one of the very,very few people I can actually just keep talking to non-stop without feeling bored πŸ™‚ Oh, and dw, I don’t blame you for making it HOT in aussieland πŸ˜‰

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willy nilly

Time for another once-a-month post πŸ™‚ I have been a very lazy girl. But I feel its time to blog again!

It is very hot.

No, that doesnt sound quite right. ITS F***ING HOTTTTTTTTTTT. 43 bloody degrees hot is how hot it is. Today must have been one of the most horrible days in my life. Today and last night. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a hotter day. I don’t think you have. And you should feel lucky.

Apparently its the hottest 3 days in Melbourne for 50 years. And, to make things worse, I live in a tiny brick veneer apartment on the second floor which practically makes it boiling in here. No air-con. I woke up twice in the night to get water only to discover the water from the tap refused to turn cold. And we had ran out of ice. Then, I woke up in the morning and realized there was lots of dried blood on my lip because it had cracked during the night-.-Β  During the day, I sufffffffffffffffffffffered 😦 Me and my brother turned on 3 fans in our house, had this wet cloth thing to dab ourselves, and I ate Ice cream,strawberries,grapes andsome rock melon to try to cool myself down. And… I was hungry too πŸ˜‰ It sounds quite dramatic, because it is! The heat is going to drive me crazy soon .

And of what I’ve been doing? Watching tennis 24/7. Literally. I’ve spent the last 2 and a half days at my family friends, just so that I can watch the tennis. And I’ve watched every single tennis match there is to watch during then. My apartmentΒ  has a crappy service provider, which means I only get SBS,Β  where occasionally they show old 1950s movies. Charming. On other hand, it means I’ve been totally deprived of internet, which I haven’t decided whether is good or bad. I love tennis by the way. Its awesome to watch ! Next year I’ve already promised myself to get tickets for the Rod Laver Arena matches(the main matches) and go with my dad.

School is also starting next week. I am trying my best not to think about it, even though I know I have 8 units of math homework to cover in 3 days. When I do think about school, I get so panicked that…well, I prefer not to think about it. Its not that Im scared of making friends and whatnot, and Im really not. Its the thought of school itself. That I have to go through the same thing everyone else goes through everyday, I just hate the idea. I know everyone at some time or another will hope this, but I do wish that something will happen which will ensure that I’ll never have to go to school again. Quite a juvenile thought.

Just another random thought.I don’t know why , but typing in words is so hard for me. Sometimes I just get stuck on a sentence, and I know how to finish it in my mind, but I type it out I cant find the right word or the whole thingΒ  sounds….plain and emotionless. Ugh. I have a feeling it all stems from having self confidence issues.

Anyway, I’ve been reading quite alot of my brothers crime/thriller books. The one Im reading right now is Wicker by Kevin Guilfoile. Its a reeeeeeeeeeallly interesting book, actually im re-reading it πŸ˜› Yes.

I might or might not post within the next week. Goodnight πŸ™‚ I know what day it is tomorrow!!


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Flashes before your eyes

New blog. New year. Fitting? πŸ˜‰

Yes, I guess I really needed a change from xanga,Β  it was pissing me off.Β  I was considering Lj or this,Β  but decided going with this cause its more..streamlined if I should say so. It looks more professional, and Its not that I need professional, I just wanted a cleaner ? look. It doesn’t support tagboard I think, but lets be honest, I don’t have that many tags in the first place. Im not saying that in a bitter way at all, I know I have been…well, not very social ( I cant find a better word) towards all my friends in singapore, except for a few. And I really am sorry about that. And maybe not having a tagboard in a way will let me be free-er in my writing, cause I don’t feel that people are judging everything I write. Or heck, maybe I will insert a tagboard if I find a way. Hahaha

So, its 2009.

I guess my blog title is sort of a reference to 2008, it really has just gone by So quick, its amazing. One year of school in Australia ?! I was in the car yesterday thinking it does really seem like it has just been 3,4 months living here. 2008 has been the real definition of a rollercoaster ride, I don’t know how else to explain it. I know I complained 423 times about school, and i do sound quite hypocritical now, but I did enjoy the last week or so!:D And I’ll probably remember those good memories at the end more than I will the bad ones.And I actually find myself missing quite a few people( aw………….) I must say I’ll miss Bridget probably the most, I used to get pisssed off with her almost everyday, but still, she was the first one that I really got to know when I came here, and she is still the absolute funniest and most mischievous person I willΒ  prolly ever meet. She takes jokes to another level, there just isnt any way I could possibly describe her that would do her justice πŸ˜€ And I guess in some ways, she actually reminds me of myself !And thats why we got along so well this year. (I mean, some of the year) πŸ˜‰ I mean she is a bitch sometimesalot, but there is another side of her, a good side πŸ™‚

 Funny as hell

She is funny as hell.

And there is a picture of her!She looks quite a bit different now.

Anyway….. thats not what I was initally going to talk about. I was going to talk about a number of very deeeeep things, buttt…I ran off topic. I didn’t even mean to talk about Bridget so much.As you can probably tell from reading the above paragraph, I sort of drifted off half way.

Soo.. to summarise my blog, happy new year to everyone ! Its a new year, new things to do, new people to meet, you know, new house to move into : DDD. Yes. The house. When I next go back to the site, I shall upload a picture of it! Its the frame stage only, but its completely awesome!! Needless to say, I already chose my room. Its overlooking the garden, and Im already planning how to decorate it, what furniture to buy, etc . Thats the most exciting thing that Im looking forward to this year, anyhoo.

And to really round it off, I decided to upload some picccctures! Which are long overdue.

  • I took during Photography. Thought it was awesome, haha
  • I took during Photography. Thought it was awesome, hahaSDJDKG O-m-g my super awesome snowman!!
  • SDJDKG O-m-g my super awesome snowman!!
  • Graffitied on the last day of school.

    Yep, thats it really. There’s more, but I encountered some unfortunate SERVER MAINTENANCE which was really not welcomed, but whatever.

    Last words : WordPress is awesome.

    GoodNight πŸ™‚ Hope you have fun in school! Jks. ;P

    p.s If any of you are wondering where my main picture header is from, I took it in august-ish when we went to Great Ocean Road, its called the 12 apostles, search it up. It looks ten times more beautiful in real life πŸ™‚ What I took is only a smalll lil bit of it.


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